Stoats Tail Beat

Stoats Tail starts from the weir at Weir Head down to the bridge in Dulverton and the fishing is on the right bank of the Barle when looking downstream (as per the beat map). Salmon lie at various times of the year, particularly after a spate as they move up to the head waters. Fishing for Salmon on DAA waters is fly only and mandatory catch and release. Please do not remove the fish from the water but un-hook it in your net, keeping it close to the water and wet at all times. These fish are a precious resource, and we must all do our bit to help them on their way.

Trout fishing is for wild Brown Trout. Some of the pools are very deep and if wading it is advisable to wear a Life Jacket and use a wading staff.

Access is gained via the gate beside the Bridge, there is a combination lock and the code can be obtained when booking the beat.

Dulverton Stoats Tail