Perry Beat

view upstream perry bridge

The beat starts downstream of the bridge at the fishing hut at Weir and runs down to the junction with the Haddeo. This first stretch is normally reasonably productive and is known to contain Grayling. Access is easy but there are a set of electrical cables crossing the beat on this section, so caution is advised.

The beat continues downstream of the junction with the Haddeo and access is more restricted and there is yet another set of cables to contend with. the river at this point begins to straighten out and becomes more uniform hence work has begun to introduce kickers to try and introduce a more random flow pattern whilst at the same time introduce cover for fish. Nonetheless as the beat progresses downstream toward Perry Bridge and particularly in the last 200 metres before it reaches the bridge it becomes more productive with a good long pool which usually produces a decent fish. Having passed underneath Perry Bridge the beat continues as single bank fishing for the length of the next field at the bottom of which is a small side stream. This marks the bottom of the beat.

There are steps down for access at this point. Arguably, it is this lower section of the beat which offers the best fishing with a decent pool before a small sill and then a very deep pool in which fish can be seen from above if not caught. It should be noted that there are some deep holes in this section and wading with caution and a staff is advised.

Parking is best either at the Hut or on Perry Bridge.
