Old Woman’s Beat

This single right bank beat on the River Exe runs for around 1500 metres from the road bridge adjacent the Anchor Inn at Exebridge to the entry of the River Brockey into the Exe. It has three named salmon pools including the one from which it takes its name, and more details are available on the beat map.

As with all DAA beats the usual rules apply in terms of catch and release, barbless hooks and no more than double hooks when fishing for salmon and no spinning.

This stretch has some much deeper water than on other DAA beats and the river is much wider, so if you are fishing this beat you are advised to consider wearing a life jacket.

This beat is a two person beat but parking adjacent to the beat is limited (see beat map) so you may be advised to park in the Anchor car park when booking and make the short walk across the bridge to the beat. Enter via the gate adjacent to the parking space and then walk across the field to the river to access the fishing. There is a fishing hut approximately halfway down the beat.

Please bear in mind there may be livestock in the fields adjacent to the beat so no dogs please.